Learn about the vocal music industry as you grow your career as a singer and performer!


Building Your audition book

Picture of file folders containing vocal artist repertoire. Find your perfect songs at del C. Voice Studios and grow your vocal career!

You need to speak to who you are as an artist (and a person - you are first and foremost a person).

You need to find songs that highlight your most awesome skills as they are right now.

Finding that perfect material can feel like looking for a needle in a haystack but there are too many songs out there to audition with something that doesn’t make you feel alive!

Let’s find those tunes together!



Audition Cuts

Picture of glasses and sheet music to find the perfect vocal audition cuts with Marisa del Campo of del C. Voice Studios.

32 bars? 16 bars? 8 bars?

Wait what? 8 bars?

What are these people looking for?

Sometimes we know exactly what to sing but have no clue on how much to sing of it when it comes to audition time. 

I can help make your cut feel like you get the whole damn song.



Resume and Headshot Consult

Picture of blank resume ready for guidance from Marisa del Campo. del C. Voice Studios provides assistance with picking out the perfect headshot and rocking out on your resume.

Resume + Headshot = the power couple you need to land you the gig. 

Let’s cut through the imposter syndrome and get your materials audition and interview ready!



Vocal Artist Career Consult

African-American singer excited to grow her vocal career with Marisa del Campo and del C. Vocal Studios.

There is a lot of ambiguity surrounding our industry from the difference between an agent and a manager to questions like “where do I buy my equity card???” 

(spoiler alert: you can’t).

Don’t let confusion keep you waiting in the wings!

Let’s shine a spotlight on the trickiest aspects of our industry so you can go into the next audition like the pro you have trained to be.

Includes resume and headshot consult!

Vocal artist wondering how to grow career and learn about vocal industry

Wondering what vocal artist development service is right for you?

del C. Voice Studios offers different types of lessons so you can free your voice, speak your mind and sing your heart out.

If you’re still wondering where to start, send me a message!